Last night, something terrible and wonderful all at once happened. Let me preface this by saying that my job required me to be up at 7am this morning, so that I could be at my office by 9am sharp.
Last night, we put Sasha in her crib at around a quarter to 8. She looked at me, rolled onto her side, and fell fast asleep. I went downstairs and enjoyed some quality time with my laptop and television.
At roughly 10pm, she woke up and cried. Matt checked on her, rocked her for a few minutes, and then put her down again. She fussed off and on for perhaps 20 minutes before settling down to sleep a second time.
I intended to go to bed at 11 or 11:30, around when Sasha was likely to wake up hungry. At 11:45. she still wasn't up, so I went to bed anyway... and I waited there, awake, listening for her voice.
At 1:30, she was still asleep, and I was still awake. Sometime after that, I finally drifted off myself, only to be awoken bythe finally-awake baby. I looked at my watch. It was 3:55am! She hadn't slept that long and soundly since she was 3 months old!
Of course, I walked into her room to fetch her, and then brought her back with us, to be warm and snuggly. I slept more easily after that, anyhow. Of course, I was exhausted at my client's site today, but perhaps this is the sign of more restful nights and deeper sleep to come, for all of us.
My kitchen is: almost clean!
Posted by andrea at January 10, 2003 09:12 PMThanks for writing. Maybe someday you can collect these together in a book form? In any case I like reading anything you are good at it.
Posted by: David Fisher on January 23, 2003 03:25 PM