February 09, 2003


Sasha has at least one tooth!

We first became aware of the new piece of ivory on Monday. I performed the near-daily ritual of groping into her mouth with a finger while she squirmed away as best she could. But her gum was no longer hard and smooth! Instead, it was rough and sharp!

Further examination of Sasha's dental state failed to result in an actual tooth-sighting. So I relied upon a trick my very clever mother-in-law had taught me. I took out a metal spoon. "If it's a tooth," she had said, "The spoon will click, and you'll know."

The spoon clicked.

On Thursday, after persistent but doomed efforts on the part of both myself and my husband, we finally made visual contact with the tooth. It's a lovely, sharp thing. A faint bluish color, like mother-of-pearl.

Since then, we have been unable to ascertain any additional oral progress. She resists any and all such attempts with a renewed and very passionate vigor. Although it must be noted that she finds the brushing of her tooth to be a thrilling event, indeed.

My kitchen is: still littered with computer parts. Jeez, you think I'm staying up all night just to clean?!?

Posted by andrea at February 9, 2003 08:08 AM

Congrats on the Tooth, Sis!!!!!

Posted by: J on February 13, 2003 05:16 PM

I want to hear the story of the computer parts strewn about the kitchen.

Posted by: cathyy on February 17, 2003 10:35 PM
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