Every year, Self magazine does a three-month fitness and nutrition challenge. This year, I'm signing up! With little Bink to take care of, the Self Challenge will be a little more challenging than it might have been in years past. But the difference is, I've never even tried it before. As I see it, this makes this year far more successful, no matter how close to those goals I actually hit!
For once in my life, my aim has nothing to do with weight loss. I'm at around 143 pounds right now. This is a little higher than it should be in a perfect world, I know. But I'm so at peace with my body right now that I just don't care!
So what am I in it for? A number of things. One, I'd like to start re-establishing some of the healthy exercise patterns I lost when I got pregnant. I'm actually trying to get into a groove with a lot of different schedules right now -- exercise, housecleaning, shopping, work. But mostly, I want to start setting a good example for Sasha. It's going to be hard to tell her she can't have the cookie when I just had three.
So wish me luck! Though persistence will have a lot more to do with it, I'm sure.
My kitchen is: pretty darn messy, but with a clean floor. Yes, this is the reverse of typical. No, I'm not sure how it came to pass.
Posted by andrea at February 24, 2003 09:16 AMhi...I was wondering how you signed up for the challenge? I am eager to but went to the site and it does not give any info..any ideas?
Posted by: Meagan on December 26, 2003 08:18 AM