March 20, 2003

Plague House

My little nuclear family has been rocked by disease the last three weeks. First, Sasha catches a bad cold at daycare. Then, of course, she gives it to me, because she can't be sick without bringing me along for the ride. It trickles on to Matt, who develops the same cold plus an ear infection, poor guy.

Last week was all about trying to get the chaos of our lives back in order. I bought groceries. The weather turned warmer. Then, last Friday, Matt came down with the horrible plague a co-worker's family had just endured. It was the worst variety of stomach ailment, and it was hard on all of us: Matt, because he was sick; me, because I was left tending to Sasha by myself pretty much all weekend; and Sasha, because I was a bit short-tempered trying to take care of everyone and everything by myself.

Come Monday, poor Matt was still very sick. I started feeling a touch unwell, and Sasha seemed cranky, so the three of us all stayed home together. Tuesday, Sasha and I went about our usual routine, she to daycare and I into Manhattan, while Matt continued to fight the pox virulens.

Wednesday, for one beautiful, shining day, it looked like we might all be better. Sasha was in a good mood, Matt felt great (if very hungry) and went to work, and I had a day in my home office.

This morning, all started well; Matt went off to work, I fed Sasha some Cheerios and got ready for the day. To my surprise, even after sleeping well last night, she still seemed tired in the morning. After breakfast, I snuggled up with her for a few minutes, and she fell fast asleep.

About an hour later, she woke up by vomiting all over me. No more healthy weekend gleaming in the future like a bright, golden grail. I kept her home with me all day, and she slept and slept and slept. In fact, I fell asleep in the afternoon, too! And now, I feel achy and cranky and tired, and I'm very afraid I will be next in this new round of illness. Honestly, how can you avoid catching a virus once one of its victims has thrown up on you? Twice? Not to mention the diapers.

And next Wednesday, I have a meeting with a client who's been near-hospitalized with pneumonia the last couple of weeks. Anyone placing odds on whether I bring that home, too?

It seems like the past two months (and especially the last three weeks) have been marked by illness upon illness at my house. If anyone has any ideas on how to stop it, I'd love to hear from you.

My kitchen is: Not so bad, really. I got a load through the dishwasher today. It's been worse.

Posted by andrea at March 20, 2003 09:54 PM

Poor you! You can get a nice disinfectant like PineSol and actually wash all your doorknobs, faucet knobs, telephones, etc. to try to keep it down. You can institute a Nazi-like handwashing program before eating, handling food, and after all toileting and diapering by everyone in the house. It all sounds very viral to me, so you're pretty limited in effective combat means, but these should actually help a lot. Did you get my email about the cookies?

Posted by: cathyy on March 21, 2003 06:36 AM

Sometimes everything seems to be crashing in. (Nautical description) When that happens make yourself something to drink (no not booze) and sip it slowly. If needed, just scream. (Okay, I had days on the way home from child welfare work when I did that and it helped but I suppose normal people must find some other means). Spring is coming!!!!!!!!

Posted by: David Fisher on March 21, 2003 02:19 PM

Mom, thanks for the advice. Too bad I'm allergic to Pine-Sol, huh? :) It looks like it's all finally calming down, though. We were all healthy today, and just Sasha had a bit of relapse today, but she seems fine now. I got the cookie recipe. I will probably make them soon, though I'm not sure when, just yet.

Dad, it really does seem that way sometimes, huh? I bet the screaming would scare Sasha... I think things are getting better, though. I was even able to really clean my kitchen today (if youy ever wondered what that was about, the state of my kitchen very accurately reflects how in control of my life I feel.)

Love you guys. :)

Posted by: Andrea Phillips on March 23, 2003 08:14 PM
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