March 24, 2003

If the CDC Calls, It's For Me

On Saturday, everything came together for me. It was sunny, leave-your-jacket-at-home weather. Everyone was healthy. We ate at a restaurant, visited a bookstore, and in general enjoyed ourselves. It was too good to last.

I have had better days than today. Today, Sasha puked all over me. Twice. There was diaper leakage. There was crankiness. I'm starting to get a little worried about her hydration levels. She has real tears, but I'm not seeing as many wet diapers as I would like.

My plan is to observe her in the morning until about 10:30am. If she stills seems sick, she goes to the doctor. If she seems better, she goes to daycare. The doctor said yesterday not to worry until it's lasted 7 days (it's only been 5 so far), and that she probably is OK to go to daycare, but it's better to spend the $10 copay and make sure she's safe.

Over the weekend, we bought Sasha an activity table in hopes of keeping her in the same room as us. The idea would be to prevent Sasha from locking herself in the bathroom, one of her new favorite hobbies. (She scoots into the bathroom, closes the door, and then uses the door to stand up so we can't free her without knocking her over. This has not happened only once.)

This plan, while sound in theory, has "gang aft awray" and all that. First, she has discovered that she can push the table along and walk after it. Note it is meant to be stationary. It is not on wheels. It is in no way a walker.

Second, the top lifts up and flips over to be either an activity center or a block surface. She discovered she could lift it up. Unfortunately, her grasp of gravity is still pretty shaky. She lifted it and dropped it a couple of times, and then hit her arm. Since she was feeling unwell already, this brough on instant end-of-the-world tears.

Later, she resumed her table-dropping. This time, she dropped it on her head. Yep, more tears. Lest you think she had learned nothing from the experience, know this: Still later in the day, she lifted the tabletop up and dropped it yet again. It did not hit her! But she still cried. She's learning fear, like a good girl.

In other news: She is mostly over her bath thing. She won't lay down in it, but she will sit. She says "Hi" and waves, now. Despite her sickness, she is sleeping pretty well from 8pm until 5am, again, just like when she was 3 months old.

My kitchen is: Still clean, not quite as lemony, but dotted with Cheerios. I just might be back on track for the week.

Posted by andrea at March 24, 2003 10:44 PM

You forgot that she pood on me over the weekend, along with going through an obscene amount of clothing due to leakage.

Posted by: Matt on March 25, 2003 10:54 PM

Hey, bud, this is MY blog, and bad things that happen to you don't necessarily rate.

Love you. :)

Posted by: Andrea Phillips on March 25, 2003 10:58 PM
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