Sunday, Sasha climbed the entire flight of steps for the first time. Previously, she had climbed only the bottom step, and only while I wasn't looking. If she realized she was being observed, she would give you a coy look and bang on the third stair.
Monday, emboldened by this sudden leap in her capability, Sasha climbed the entire flight of stairs a second time.
Today, she climbed the stairs again, not once, not twice, no. SEVEN times. She gathered speed the first three tirips, but I think muscle fatigue started to set in after that. On her fourth trip, she brought toys with her, though she abandoned them two-thirds of the way up. Perhaps she will grow up to be a mountain goat.
My kitchen is: Smelling of leeks.
Posted by andrea at April 24, 2003 10:12 PMThis would be so much more reassuring if you had mentioned any increase in her skill going back DOWN the stairs. Could you try some basic Pavlovian training, where going upstairs means you want to play in your room with the gate in the door? It might make her less inclined to head upstairs as often once she figured the connection out, and assuming she doesn't want to play alone in her room. It's pretty tenuous. Other than that, think of the fine exercise you are getting going up and down the stairs.
Posted by: cathyy on April 25, 2003 10:17 AMOh, no, she has shown zero interest in actually going DOWN the stairs again. Upstairs is where it's at. I also have faith that she could entertain herself endlessly in any room in the house. Even if we were to put her in an unfurnished room, she could still stand up and bounce, and, of course, be VERY LOUD. That's plenty of fun for her.
Posted by: Andrea Phillips on April 25, 2003 10:36 AM