Ahh, baseball, the all-American pastime. The crack of the bat hitting a ball, the roar of the crowd, the smell of beer and hot dogs, the warmth of the summer sun at your back. We went to the Mets game today, and got close to none of these things.
When we started toward the park, it was a lovely day, close to 70 degrees and sunny. The rain started about the time we hit the highway. But the tickets had been a gift to Matt's grandmother, and we didn't want to deny her her day at the park. So like little soldiers, we trooped into the park, endured the light drizzle with good humor, and set ourselves to have a good time.
Three innings later, I'm cold, wet, and huddled under a broken umbrella with a nursing baby who needs a nap but wants to See The Interesting People, Mommy, So Cut Out This Blanket Garbage. (It's a good thing the lactivist in me isn't so hung up on modesty, anymore.) I have a splitting sinus headache. My back hurts. My nose is running. I am tired. The good humor has long since expired, and the vendor calling "Getcher ice cold soda!" does not seem aware of the irony vis a vis coldness and wetness no longer being top selling points.
Thankfully, we packed it in and went home not long after that. The day wasn't a total loss, though; we went to my new favorite Italian restaurant, had a fabulous time and ate far too much, and then got soft-serve ice cream at a store that sold a disturbing amount of low-carb food products (such as pasta, breakfast cereal, granola, and bread mixes. So wrong and against nature.)
Sasha also seems to be aware that she is falling into the "merely average" range in the race to hit developmental milestones, and so today has taken big strides toward standing on her own. She's been doing it all day, up to 20 seconds at a time. She's both pulled up to stand and then let go, and also stood up from a crouch without holding onto anything. Funny how her advances are sudden, now, rather than gradual, the way they used to be.
My kitchen is: Really not so bad, but maybe I should have another party to clean it up again.
Posted by andrea at May 31, 2003 09:19 PM