So Sasha has pneumonia, finally diagnosed after two weeks and on her fourth visit to the doctor. It's still a mild case, so it probably wasn't audible any earlier than yesterday. So much for my regularly-scheduled life! She's at home with me for at least a few days while the antibiotics do their thing.
On Thursday, Sasha had her appointment with the pediatric allergist. He listened to her lungs and heart, examined her ears and throat, and gave me a prescription to get blood drawn for testing for IgE antibodies for peanuts, a few kinds of tree nut, bananas and milk. She almost certainly has a peanut allergy, and for now, she and I are to both avoid peanuts as though we are sure they would kill her instantly.
When her test results are back (which will be sometime after I take her for the blood to be drawn, I imagine) then we will talk more concretely about how to proceed. From what I have read, if we can minimize her exposure to the allergen for the next few years, there is a decent chance that she'll just outgrow the allergy.
Poor baby. She's about to have her fourth tooth come in, too, on top of it all.
Oh, and me? How am I doing? I'm sick, too, of course. But no fever or coughing for me, just a sore throat. And my neck hurts. Did I mention I'm tired? I don't relish seeing the doctor with Sick Baby in tow, so I'm going to wait it out a bit and see if just getting some rest fixes me. At least my marathon of social events is done, now. Next weekend will be my first free since early April. Also I got to read Order of the Phoenix over the weekend, during all of Sick Baby's naptimes and on the plane to and from Atlanta.
My kitchen is: Not so great. The cleaners were supposed to be here two hours ago, but I'm too tired to call and see what happened to them.
Posted by andrea at June 23, 2003 07:43 PMAt least now you know. Hope you both feel better! In my runner's magazine they say chicken soup really does work and if you eat yogurt you get over a cold faster. Orange juice helps me.
Posted by: David Fisher on June 24, 2003 10:59 PM