November 08, 2003

Brand Recognition

Last night, we went to the grocery to pick up a few snacks on our flight to California today. Suddenly, mid-aisle, Sasha stopped cold, and stood, screaming and pointing at something out of our field of view.

There, on the second shelf, perfectly positioned so that only toddler eyes could see it, were boxes of "The Wiggles" brand fruit snacks. Sasha is a big fan of the Wiggles. She was very excited to see the faces of the Fab Four at the supermarket. It was arguably the best thing that happened to her all day.

Those who try to market and sell to small children are evil and should die painfully and socially repugnant deaths.

We did not purchase the snacks. Fortunately for us, Sasha has not yet learned that stores are consumer exchange sites wherein one can purchase and bring home the things one finds.

My kitchen is: Clean enough that I won't have a heart attack when we come back from California.

Posted by andrea at November 8, 2003 09:25 AM

This has nothing to do with your latest adventure in Binkyland. I just had a thought for a web business that I'd like to bounce off of you.

As spam and telemarketing are being rightfully recognized as putrid scum it occurred to me that businesses will have an incresingly difficult time readhing the public. The proposed url should say it all:

So many people buy the sunday paper for just the ads. Why not have a website devoted to advertising and special offers from manufacturers and resellers throughout the country. Things could be sought for "locally" as well as nationally. This way you can look for offers when the time is right for you instead of being bombarded with material at all the wrong times.

Just a thought, and see you in late November,


Posted by: Jim Gramze on November 11, 2003 05:18 PM
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