December 17, 2003

Beefaroni Baby

When we were visiting my family in Michigan, I learned something very important about my daughter: she loves Beefaroni.

And I don't mean "love" like I love a nice hot bath, or a good novel. I'm talking toddler love. Panicky, desperate, beg-for-it-for-breakfast-and-eat-the-whole-can love.

Today, Sasha has had some sort of stomach ailment, and threw up six times in three hours. And now that her tummy appears to have settled, she wants... Beefaroni. Blech. The mind of a toddler is a mysterious thing.

My kitchen is: Sticky. Beefaroni isn't exactly a tidy meal for someone new to the whole utensil idea.

Posted by andrea at December 17, 2003 05:13 PM
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