December 31, 2003

Fresh Political Outrage

We all know I despise the current U.S. administration. For a long while, every day brought a new news report that would make my blood boil in outrage. Then, somehow, I settled into a slow simmer. It looked like maybe things weren't as bad as I'd been thinking. I became optimistic. That was until this morning.

The latest is a report on so-called "Free Speech Zones." Law enforcement officials pen up any dissenters (like, oh, me, for example) trying to protest at public presidential appearances. Out of sight, out of hearing range, and the media isn't allowed in. The report pointedly asks; isn't the whole country supposed to be a Free Speech Zone? And this isn't an ultra-Leftist publication, either; this is the American Conservative!

So my friends and I were lamenting the state of freedom in our nation this morning. And one friend spits out the million-dollar question: "Yeah, but what can I do?" That got me to thinking, always a dangerous thing. What can I do?

  • Vote
  • Contribute money to a non-Republican political party or campaign
  • Write lots of letters to elected and appointed officials
  • Complain to all of my friends and in my blog to raise awareness, if not to sway opinion

So what did I do? I went out and became a card-carrying-member of the ACLU. And you should, too! I then sent off letters to my three elected representatives in Congress and posted this blog. Before the end of the week, I plan to write to Bush and his cohorts directly. And I will finally, finally, start trying to reach an opinion on the Democratic field of presidential candidates. Regime change in this country isn't going to happen through apathy, that's for sure.

My kitchen is: Sort of in limbo. More on that tomorrow.

Posted by andrea at December 31, 2003 10:43 AM

We had our first Howard Dean lawn sign stolen night before last. Unfortunately, they left the frame so it wasn't for display elsewhere. Usually it is. Anyway, we still have lawn signs and buttons for Howard Dean available here free.

Posted by: cathyy on January 1, 2004 07:32 AM

Once you figure out where you stand on the democratic candidates, get determined to go to the caucus and vote! Help determine the party candidate directly!

Posted by: Anne on January 1, 2004 11:05 AM

I am going to Iowa for a week to campaign for John Edwards. While I like what Dean did as Governor and I like his ideas on health care he has contradicted himself enough and has that same frat brat sense of entitlement Bush has that I am not supporting him. If, however, he wins the nomination I will support him.

Edwards is not a long-term politician, comes from humble beginnings, worked his way through college, voted against a blank check (87 billion) for Iraq, thinks that needs to be turned over to the UN, wants the first year of college to be free for everyone and expand student aide, roll back those tax cuts and target them to the middle class, etc. I liked the way he answered questions on C-Span. He is good off the cuff and could beat Bush.

Posted by: David Fisher on January 2, 2004 08:48 AM
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