January 14, 2004

Tuna Sandwich

Sasha enjoyed a tuna salad sandwich for dinner the other night. Please note that by "enjoyed" I do not also mean "ate." There was some eating involved, I suppose, but she seemed to object to the actual tuna salad itself, so she'd nibble at the bread and make faces and spit out the bits of tuna as she got to them.

On the other hand, she insisted on holding the sandwich with only one hand, and so pieces of tuna kept falling out. When this happened, she would become upset and demand that I reassemble above sandwich, despite the previously noted distaste she had for the tuna anyhow. When she caught on to the counterproductive nature of this, she instead began to fling the tuna with wild abandon around her seat until the forcible removal of all sandwich components from her tray.

Now, of course, it occurs to me to wonder: How is it that, depite her now razor-sharp skills for self-feeding, her capacity to make a mess at any given meal has grown proportionally? Isn't that a little... well, backwards?

My kitchen is: Still sparkly clean. But I'm realizing I need to reconsider my kitchen layout, because my counters are too cluttered with small appliances. Stowing them would make my kitchen look cleaner; on the other hand, if I don't see them out, I forget they exist and never use them. What to do, what to do?

Posted by andrea at January 14, 2004 09:24 PM

You don't have enough counter space to afford to lose any by cluttering it up with small appliances. I finally put my crockpot, bread machine, rice cooker, mixer, and George Foreman grill into a cabinet. I still have the coffeemaker(s), blender, and toaster oven out. Can you find them a home, maybe in that storage closet in the kitchen somewhere? Yes, I know it's already full. But does all that stuff belong there? One thing I loved most about the military housing we lived in was that 6 foot long closet in the hall. Just for Stuff. As far as Sasha and messes: have you made clear your opinion on the matter? Have you employed your discipline method of choice for continuing to make said mess after you have told her to stop it? (If, in fact, she continues. I expect she would.)

Posted by: cathyy on January 15, 2004 07:36 AM
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