August 24, 2004

Just Call Me Eccentrica Gallumbits

So yesterday, Sasha put in a request for me to grow a third breast.

Let me preface this by saying that Sasha has always been an enthusiastic nursing baby. Many of you are familiar with this aspect of her personality. Even now, habit dies hard, and she finds it very comforting to stick her hands down my shirt. I never expected to feel so assaulted by my own brazen, octopus-like child.

Yesterday, Sasha spent the day at home with me, suffering from a little cold. Sometime midway through the day, I decided it was high time for a Nap. We provisioned ourselves well with a big bottle of soy milk and a half a dozen or so stuffed animals, and marched upstairs to settle down into naptime.

Sasha sprawled on me, as is her way, and decided to count my breasts as a soothing pre-nap activity. She does love to count things. "One... two," she said.

I nodded. "Two."

"THREE FOUR FIVE!" she added, with gusto.

"No, honey, just two. Now go to sleep."

She took her bottle from her mouth and pouted. "I want three," she said. Cue tantrum here.

"..." said I.

My kitchen is: A little untidy, yet. The cold got to me today. In mere moments the weight of Nyquil will render me incapable of typing, so what makes you think I'm doing any housekeeping?

Posted by andrea at August 24, 2004 08:42 PM

Thanks for the pictures. Turn her request for three into a joke? "Hey, with all the extra weight up front I would have to walk like a hunch back", then demonstrate. The world needs some math girls so keep that counting coming. What a great kid!!!!!

Posted by: David Fisher on August 27, 2004 09:47 AM
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