August 30, 2004

Gravitational Mishap

Sasha has had an oopsie today at daycare. Apparently, she was climbing into her seat at the table to play with the Blue's Clues clingies, and fell. So she hit her eye, she has a couple of tiny scratches on her eyelids, probably she'll get a righteous shiner, and she's home with me the rest of the afternoon.

One of the really wonderful things about our daycare provider: She's a terrific worrier. She immediately called me and asked if I could come take a look at Sasha, and maybe bring her to the doctor, just in case, well, you know.

I arrived to find a happy Sasha, eager to tell me about her misadventure. At the mention of doctors, she flew into the same kind of fury-driven panic as though I had told her no more Elmo for the rest of the day. And honestly, she seems fine, so I called the pediatrician (just to be on the safe side) and she concurred that some ice was all we really needed.

However, having darkened the door at daycare, it was no longer possible for me to go home alone. Fortunately for me, there is now a nap going on.

Sasha has been climbing more and more lately, so I'm sure this is just a tiny sample taste of the joys I can expect as the year progresses. The number of scratches and bruises Sasha sports at any one time now has been growing at a respectable clip.

My kitchen is: Smelling very strongly of garlic-butter. Which was nice last night, but now I really wish it would stop.

Posted by andrea at August 30, 2004 03:33 PM

Bruises are part of childhood...just ask her daddy ;)

Posted by: Uncle Rick on August 30, 2004 04:28 PM
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