June 20, 2005

Clutter? No, Not Me

Early this morning, while looking for a box in which to put some of Sasha's outgrown winter clothes, I looked at a number of unpacked boxes from when we moved into our house. No, it has not been five years yet. Just almost.

Anyway, I noted that some of these boxes contain items that might be outright garbage by now, plus reams of paper that could live more happily in a filing cabinet. During my afternoon doldrums, waiting for a phone call that I am sure will never come, I pulled down one of those boxes to sort through it. You know, like FlyLady says, 15 minutes at a time, right?

So. OK, here comes the interesting part. Among the first items out of this box I found was a rare and wondrous object.

It was... 5.25" floppy disks.

In an unopened set.

For Prodigy 3.1.1, copyright 1988-1992.


Posted by andrea at June 20, 2005 03:59 PM
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