March 31, 2005

Spelling Bee

Me: Hey, honey, what do you think about having the P and the Z and the A for dinner?

Matt: You mean the two Zs? and the I?

Sasha: I want pizza. That great idea! *does a little dance* Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!

Posted by andrea at 05:47 PM | Comments (2)

March 19, 2005

Innocence Redefined

We were watching the DVD of "The Incredibles" this evening. There's a part fairly near the beginning where Mr. Incredible is fighting a giant killer robot. I happened to look over at Sasha around then. She was at the edge of her seat, a look of deeply-felt concern on her face. She really, truly did not know whether Mr. Incredible would win.

What a surprising little reality check. I had not before that moment understood how profoundly cynical I really am.

In other news:

  • Sasha has decided her name is now "Holly" and I am her sister;
  • Sasha has obtained a red cape from daycare and has not taken it off except for bedtime in roughly a week;
  • We are chased by crocodiles, snakes and bears wherever we go in the car;
  • After a close escape from the crocodiles, Sasha has been known to pull open the blinds in her playroom, look out her bay window to the masses of defeated crocodiles outside, and taunt them by blowing a big raspberry.

Bearing in mind these recent developments, I have become much less concerned about the Disney Princess bit. She is clearly taking her cues from more active role models, such as Dora the Explorer and Wonder Woman. Score one for the feminists!

Posted by andrea at 08:18 PM | Comments (2)