April 29, 2006


Be forewarned, gentle reader; some parties have conveyed to me that my blog is quiet and also untimely of late, and so this is an example of all of the boring, boring, exceedingly unexciting and also bland material you have been missing out on. Let me put this another way: THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR TELLING ME TO POST MORE, NAMELY: DULL MATERIAL AND UNINSPIRED WRITING. Also a long monologue relating to the medical conditions of myself and possibly also other members of my family. So. On to business.

My belly has popped, bringing me into that blessed time when a reasonable person might suspect that I just might be pregnant and not simply growing chubby. Whew. Because let's face it, I'm shallow and I really, deeply care if the people at the Starbucks think I'm hitting the Cheetos a little too hard.

I thankfully appear to have the two big problems from last time around under control for now: Blood sugar under a tight watch thanks to a careful diet and twice-daily blood glucose monitoring; pubis symphysis well-aligned thanks to adventures in quackery, er, I mean, thanks to the good graces of a chiropractor. (My ambivalence about seeing a chiropractor knows no bounds, but I can't argue with results, can I? I mean, I could, but hot damn quackery beats not being able to walk up three steps without massive pain.)

Asthma under control too, and the pesky cough is still with me, but receding a little bit. I think that's due to the warm weather; cold air has always been hard on my sad, defective lung tissue.

Tragically, the doctor doesn't want me to travel as late as I'd thought would be safe -- I had been thinking of making one last trip out to London in mid-July, and she doesn't want me going anywhere after mid-June. Augh. I guess this is what you get when you're "high-risk." And it seems stupid, too, because for all that I like to complain a lot, I don't feel like I'm actually at risk for much beyond feeling really, really crummy. Which, sure, not great, but not life-endangering, either, you know?

Sasha's doing well, despite her own pesky cough. Her cough and my cough, I think they're old college buddies. I wonder if one of us kicked ours, the other might not go away out of loneliness? We've been having behavioral problems with her lately, but my mom assures me that these are the power struggles to be expected in a kid her age. It comes and goes, at least. I suppose a full Sasha update is merited at some point soon...

Other assorted discoveries I have made lately:

* Vegan bologna? Surprisingly really, really good.
* Even Sasha will eat vegan bologna.
* Squirrels dig up bulbs and eat them if you don't plant them deep enough.
* In addition to the bananas dying out from disease, they are also scarce due to being decimated by hurricanes, according to my grocery store.
* The vegan bologna? Totally not as expensive as you might think.
* Three neon tetras and a pl*co and one live plant in a fish tank can survive a long, long time without you cleaning the tank or even particularly remembering to feed them. Lord only knows how those fish are still alive to this day.
* The new baby is so going to be born on Yom Kippur, or possibly the day before, whichever will be least convenient for the largest number of people. I'd lay down some big money on this one, folks, so brace yourselves.

And this brings you to the end of my extremely boring and also dull and boring blog update. Thank you, and good night.

My kitchen is: Aw, c'mon, don't make me get up to LOOK. I'm pretty sure it's not good, but I'm also pretty sure only one knife and cutting board are dirty right now, instead of, say, all of them. Surely this is worth something.

Posted by andrea at 05:00 PM | Comments (1)

April 17, 2006

An Open Letter to My Medical Condition

Dear Pesky Cough,

I know we've been together for three magical months now, and we've had our share of good times. That week in Florida together was great, wasn't it? You've been there for me through doctor visits and medical tests, hard times at work... you've even been right there while I did ordinary things like making dinner for my family or watching cartoons. I can't complain about your loyalty and dedication, that's for sure.

But I have something to tell you. This just... isn't working out for me, and I think it's time for you to move on.

I know this is going to be hard on you, and I promise it isn't you, it's me. You've been everything a cough should be, but I'm just not ready for this kind of relationship. Maybe when I'm a little older I'll be ready to really settle down with a cough, but right now, I'm still too immature.

Thanks for your understanding, cough. I'm sure there's somebody else out there for you. You're really a great cough, and you deserve to meet someone special.

Lots of love,

Posted by andrea at 11:01 PM | Comments (2)