Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 20:41:31 -0300
To: khuon@NEEBU.NET
Subject: from Brazil (Nishiki)
Dear Jake Khuon,
Are you there?
Was that you that back in October 2002 (or so) had a Nishiki Ariel Mtb ?
If so, PLEASE reply. I just need to quickly talk to you by e-mail.
Thank you very much for any attention from you.
From: "Jake Khuon" <khuon@NEEBU.Net>
Subject: Re: from Brazil (Nishiki)
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 10:12:04 -0700
### On Wed, 27 Jul 2005 20:41:31 -0300, casually decided
### to expound upon khuon@NEEBU.NET the following thoughts about "from
### Brazil (Nishiki)":
j> Are you there?
j> Was that you that back in October 2002 (or so) had a Nishiki Ariel Mtb ?
I used to have one. Unfortunately, I no longer do.
j> If so, PLEASE reply. I just need to quickly talk to you by e-mail.
Certainly. Do you have a question?
j> Thank you very much for any attention from you.
No worries.
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Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 17:45:41 -0300
To: Jake Khuon <>
Subject: from Brazil (Nishiki) - the reason !
>j> If so, PLEASE reply. I just need to quickly talk to you by e-mail.
>Certainly. Do you have a question?
Dear Jake Khuon,
Thank you very much for your reply.
The thing is: let me, please, tell you a short story.
Since 1990, for some reason, I like the Nishiki bikes very very much.
I have a lot of material, magazines, pictures, etc, from those bikes
designed by Mr. Richard Cunningham.
Today I have several Nishiki bikes, including 3 Alien (XT), an FS-2 (XT)
and a Cascade (LX).
Back in 1990 I saw a picture in the magazines from the Ariel.
The thing is: I NEVER SAW an Ariel in front of me, although Iīve
visiting many many bike shops. I know they are not so common (they were
a kind of expensive on those days...).
For some reason, I started to think about the Ariel, more and more but,
again, never saw another picture, different from that I saw in the
magazine. Not a single one!
So I decided then to look closer in the internet !
If you type "Nishiki Ariel", there is ONLY ONE PICTURE that you get:
YOURS !!!!!!
For some particular reason, I started to have more and more interest in
finding one. After some time (months) I finally find one here in Brazil !!!
After 15 years !!!!
And, believe or not, it was on super marvelous shape !
Well, I donīt have to tell you that I bought it, of course !!!
I am extremely happy with this bike !
It rides just wonderfully (after I have adjusted a little bit the cockpit).
NOW, the reason I am writing to you, is because I just did something in
your honor.
Thatīs because I understand that your picture FOR SURE gave all the
inspiration, encouragement and very very strong wish to have an Ariel.
So, I took this picture from myself, in a similar way you took yours.
Very sincerely,