I'm a girl with an agenda. Or several agendas. And it's about time I start making some of my goals concrete so that I don't have an excuse for backing out of them. So let me go over my plans for the nearish future:
These are the most important of my goals, and the ones that most of my other goals are centered around. I am a wife, I am a mother. It is important that I take the time to make a happy marriage and a happy child my top priorities. It's so easy to let time slip by, because no one moment seems overwhelmingly important; but the minutes and hours passing by build into a mosaic of waste and idleness. I don't want to spend my life being bored. I burn to DO something. Time is precious.
I want to reach financial independence. I want to be the master of my own schedule. I don't ever want to be in a position again of choosing between feeding my hungry baby and risking my job. With that in mind, I've started up a little business: Smart Llama Research. The information age has brought unprecedented data to our fingertips, and not everyone has the time or the skill to filter through it for the one or two diamonds of information needed at any one moment.
I've spent too much time beng ill lately, and need to take better care of myself. This means multi-vitamins, fruits and vegetables, and more exercise. My goal i to run the Marine Corps Marathon in October of 2004. Less than two years, so I've got to get cracking. I had wanted to run a 5K by now, but events have conspired against my running schedule, and that's got to change. I will therefore go running tomorrow morning, while my pumpkin pies are baking.
This may seem an odd entry for me, but I have been neglecting the time I need for introspection, of late, as well. This blog is partly brought out by a need for me to look into the nooks and crannies of my own soul and see what's what. I will therefore strive to maintain it on a regular basis.
And really, that's about it. My goals are modest and ambitious all in one. Not difficult nor unattainable, but requiring a leve lof discipline I have not been recently exhibiting.
My kitchen is: clean!