Man, the news today makes makes my blood boil.
First, there's this:
Just why are we letting our Constitutional rights be stripped away like this?
And then there's this: Feds Label Wi-Fi a Terrorist Tool
So apparently Wi-Fi is a TOOL OF TERRORISTS. What, they can't subscribe to an ISP? Of course, we all know the Internet is EVIL which is why we need To protect our children from THE EVIL INTERNET.
Hey, why don't we just have the CIA shoot everyone who uses the Internet as a terrorist suspect, since the CIA is WITHIN ITS LEGAL RIGHTS TO DO SO, as we learned last week?
This has got to end. I don't care what your party affiliation is. I don't care who you voted for. Our government representatives are rolling over and letting the founding principles of our nation, like, say, due process of law, be quietly ignored without even an argument. Where's the opposition party?
Our executive branch is assuming broad powers to wage war without the Contitutional requirement of an Articles of War being passed. We live in the time of a shadow government and a parallel legal system for "terrorists." We're poised to make McCarthy look like child's play. We must not let this happen. Write to your elected officials. Do it today.
Posted by andrea at December 6, 2002 11:27 AMYou expected something different? I keep getting more and more convinced that the worldwide conspiracy theorists have it right.We are moving toward a 2-class society, the rich and the poor, with no middle class. Public schools are designed to teach the students what to think, but never how to think. The global economy is manipulated to suit the political needs of the various government leaders, who are themselves controlled by the shadowy conspirers.
Posted by: cathyy on December 6, 2002 08:34 PM