In one week, Sasha will be turning seven months old. That said, I figured maybe it was about time we got her nursery done, so that was my grand design for the weekend.
We really truly did start on this room several months ago. When we began, it was half white wood paneling with metallic aqua grain, and half pink walls with a teddy bear wallpaper border. We removed the paneling to discover rows upon rows of nail holes to be spackled over. We had the windows replaced by a professional. And then, weeks and weeks passed...
When Sasha started approaching the six-month mark, I started on that pesky wallpaper border. I scored it, I sprayed it with "Dif," and I set about to scrape that sucker off.
Unfortunately, the border was made of some sort of paper that had become indistinguishable from both the glue and the wallboard beneath. After doing battle with a two-foot strip, I conceded my loss and retreated. The border wasn't coming off, and the field of combat was devastated by the ravaghes of war. If that wallpaper border had villagers, they would be starving this winter.
So I went to find alternate methods of getting rid of the dastardly teddy bears and their nasty salmon pink home. My secret weapon: wet sanding. Thus began a war of attrition. Twenty minutes at a time, night after night, and the bears lost more and more ground. Finally, I prevailed, and the border was gone.
This was a major landmark on the way to finishing Sasha's room.
Yesterday, we washed the walls, spackled, and purchased paint. The spackle fumes were overwhelming. I had wanted to prime yesterday and paint today, but as with all things in my life, every step took a lot longer than I had expected.
This morning, my plan was to finish sanding before Sasha's swim class, and then quickly prime before we left for the afternoon, and quite possibly paint before bed. However, we all (even the baby!) slept in until 9:30, so we had no time.
I primed the room after Sasha's noontime snack and nap. I expected it to take, oh, an hour at most. I set to doing the trim around the windows, and the corners and edges first... the windows alone took 20 minutes. Each. Two and a half hours later, I trudged out of the room, priming finished. But the paint will have to wait for another day, or series of days.
Pray for me, my friends. This room will be the death of me.
My kitchen is: Please, don't even ask.
Posted by andrea at December 15, 2002 09:48 PM