When your hair looks really good, there's a certain spring in your step. You feel a kind of zing, an amazing confidence. People let you ahead of them in line at Starbucks. When you smile at strangers on the street, they don't just smile back; they're still smiling when you glance back a minute later. Maybe it's all energy and attitude; who knows. But today, I had one of those days.
The reason? I got my fancy-schmancy haircut at Devachan today. It was like coming home. I've never before left a salon without thinking, at best, "Wow, this might look pretty great after I go home and wash all the crap out of it." I've also never left a salon so completely confident that I could make my hair look exactly the same the next day.
There's also the lovely tingle of vindication. I have the professional stamp of certification that my hair is, in fact, curly (not wavy). Lovely Carlos even offered to write me a note to that effect.
Here are the before shots. Bear in mind, this was pretty late at night, I was tired, and I'd been pulling the front of my hair back behind my ears (and hence pulling the curl right out) all day:
And here's the after:
Isn't it terrific? I'm just thrilled to pieces. And Carlos tells me my hair will just get better and curlier and bouncier and shinier as time goes on, the longer I keep off the 'poo.
My kitchen is: Pretty and shiny! You can almost see my new stainless fridge in the After shots! And the rest of the appliances are coming on Monday. Hurrah!
Your hair looks great! Your eyes are absolutely stunning!
Did you just get cut, or color/highlights? How much did everything cost?
Enjoy your new cut!
Posted by: michele on September 11, 2003 11:05 PMStainless steel frig? Appliances? You're holding out on me! Did I tell you that MY refrigerator quit working? It was discovered Saturday morning when everything in the freezer part was fully thawed. I got it fixed Sunday.
Posted by: cathyy on September 12, 2003 08:25 PMmichele, thanks a lot! I didn't get color done, that's all natural. As for price... I spent $124, not including tip, to see Carlos. But that also included bottles of the No Poo, One Condition and AnGell. I'm afraid I didn't pay attention to the breakdown. :)
Mom: Yes, appliance, all black and stainless. I might post pics Monday night.
Posted by: Andrea Phillips on September 12, 2003 10:18 PMYour hair looks wonderful! You can really see the difference in the "after" pictures. I think you just might be my hair twin (in curl and almost in color as well) so this gives me some hope that perhaps one day I can get a cut that looks as good as yours.
Anyway, your hair looks great and I hope you continue to enjoy your haircut.