September 20, 2003

Sleep Deprivation

There are times when Life in Binkyland is like some sort of cruel top-secret military experiment. My ongoing lack of sleep is a testament to this. I've always needed a large amount of sleep. I have not been getting it, to the tune of two hours short a night for who-knows-how-long.

This sleep derivation manifests itself in a variety of ways. I begin to lose lower brain function and forget to do things like rinse out my hair in the shower, or check that the back door is locked before I leave the house. (Higher brain function is fine, though -- go figure.) I become a little too overemotional. I lose the ability to make decisions, especially insignificant ones, such as what to make for dinner, or whether I want a straw in my beverage. I lose my sense of proportion, so not being able to find the book I was reading becomes a great internal melodrama.

Wednesday night, though, I finally struck back. I went to bed before 8pm. My sleep was interrupted only twice, at 8:30pm and at 5am, when I had to return Sasha to her crib (Matt brought her to me both times, so minimal interruption there). I got up at around 8am, and felt tired, but comparitively great.

This is a new and novel approach to catching up on sleep for me. I've always known that to catch up on sleep, one could, in theory, sleep in late. This is only a theory for me, now. Every now and again, Matt will try to take Sasha downstairs to let me sleep in. This turns into Matt plucking Sasha off the stairway every twenty seconds, against her verbose and loud objections, because she wants to go check out what's up with mommy and why she's not come downstairs yet. We adults both give up fairly quickly. Ah, but going to bed early? It sounds so Rockwellian, so farm-country quaint, so positively pre-electricity.

Still, it seems like the only solution I have available. I'm going to try it a little more often. Maybe, by the time Sasha is in high school, I'll have finally caught up. And maybe I'll be able to make a snap judgement on what to make by dinner, too.

My kitchen is: Weirdly cluttered. I'm not sure what all that stuff is, much less why it is hanging around on my kitchen counters. But I have the nasty suspicion I'm the only one who will ever put it anyplace else, so I suppose I should just suck it up and hop to it.

Posted by andrea at September 20, 2003 07:33 PM
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