November 11, 2004


Here I am, back from the dead. The last weeks have been filled with stress and travel, some noteworthy and some not. The wedding? Fabulous. The trade show? Not so much.

I'd fill in the blanks, but that's going to have to wait. As I see it, I've been averaging a scant five hours of sleep a night since last Saturday. I got my hair cut today, and my stylist tells me that even my *hair* is jetlagged.

This, then, is not the big catch-up post you're all waiting for; this is just a little love song to my husband, who watched Sasha all by his lonesome while I was visiting Mouse Country. And not only did he dress her and feed her and medicate her and provide for her continued survival... he went far, far above and beyond the call of duty. He cleaned up! He vacuumed! He unpacked luggage and cut wide swathes of table space clear!

He did... All. The. Laundry.

And folded it.

And put it away! ALL. OF. IT.

This is a staggering act of heroism, and I am far too tired to come up with appropriate words. But does he not rule? Is that not the greatest thing ever? I'll have to find a good way to express my truly pathetic gratitude when I am less addle-brained. Any thoughts?

My kitchen is: It just is. The kitchen and I have not yet made the time to become reacquainted.

Posted by andrea at November 11, 2004 10:13 PM
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