October 30, 2004

This Space Intentionally Left Blank

Imagine me, gentle readers, with an RS/6000 in my home. Then imagine me getting a cold. Imagine me completely losing my voice for three days.

One thing I've learned: It's very difficult to get tech support when you have no voice. Also, it is very difficult to get a small child to do what you say. Something to do with not being able to say. Plus, you know, seriously impaired scolding power.

Things are on the upswing, though. I can speak well enough to have whole conversations!

Also there was the retail therapy today. I went out and, with the lovely assistance of my in-laws, dropped a tidy sum on cosmetics.

Then I went and got my eyebrows waxed.

Then I deep-conditioned my hair, and made an oatmeal facial, and had a nice hot bath.

Then I gave myself a pedicure.

Really, I'm feeling much, much better now.

My kitchen is: Well... the GOOD news is, at least the spiders are eating the ants.

Posted by andrea at October 30, 2004 10:31 PM
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