November 24, 2004

Construction Work

It all began innocently enough.

I just replaced a light bulb in my kitchen. And then another one.

We've got track lighting in our kitchen, and as the bulbs dropped, one by one, it grew markedly darker. Not so dark that you couldn't see what you were cooking, but something in me yearns for a starkly bright kitchen to work in. So... after a period of complaining about it, we went out and bought the appropriate bulbs, and I replaced them.

A warm feeling of accomplishment filled my heart when I went to bed that night. The next morning, I sprang up cheery and energetic, and possessed by Toyouke, the God of Industry. I stained the stair bainsters we had installed, unfinished, not quite three years ago.

Then I bounded up the stairs and painted the laundry room! Then, not yet finished with this saga of colorization, I painted my nails.

The next morning, I sealed the banisters with poly-coat; visited the hardware store; replaced our smoke detectors; and hung SHELVES in the laundry room. By myself. From the wall. Using a LEVEL! And a stud-finder*! And also a power drill!

And even the next morning, I applied more poly-coat to the banisters, so now they should be done, and drilled and hung plants from the ceiling, and scraped all the paint off of the windows in the laundry room! And also folded some laundry! And cleaned my office!

I do not know if this spirit of organization and home improvement will be with me long; it does tend to come and go. But man, have I ever capitalized on it this go around.

My final plans for the laundry room involve putting my new jade plant in there, and also hanging up the beautiful pressed trillium I got for my birthday. My theory is that if my newly remodeled laundry room is so bright and beautiful, then I should more thoroughly enjoy spending time in there, say, folding. Or possibly meditating.

Alas, I may have run short on home construction projects for the near future.. at least ones that don't require an additional outlay of cash. In this case, almost all of the materials had been purchased months and months ago, and been knocking around in the house ever since.

My kitchen is: Surprisingly, in good shape. The dishes have piled up a bit, but I'm going to get to them now. Funny how many balls I can keep in the air when this particular mood comes upon me. I swear it is not amphetamines.

* It should be noted that the above-mentioned stud-sensor was quite possibly the poorest purchase I have ever made, on accuont of being a no-good LYING LIAR. I mapped out and marked no less than five beams, and when I drilled through, only one of them actually had actual wood behind it. I proceeded to hang the shelves anyway, because I believe I have the screws through two layers of drywall (what threw off the sensor) and because how heavy is folded laundry, people? There will never be anything on those shelves too heavy for me to lift over my own shoulders!

Posted by andrea at November 24, 2004 09:58 PM
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