November 27, 2004

Get the Ring First, Baby

Tonight, my daughter's future became painfully, embarrassingly clear. She is going to be a groupie. There is no room for doubt.

Sasha has always had a love for music, but we had not yet learned the wild heights of abandon to which song can rocket her. You see, Matt just gave me "Karaoke Revolution," volumes 1 and 3, as an early gift. We began playing while she was napping this afternoon. Matt woke her up with his forceful rendition of "New York, New York," (and cranky about it she was, indeed; Sinatra is so over).

A little later, during my own performance of "Killing Me Softly," she started getting into the groove and dancing. Then, during "Kiss Me," she really got into the spirit of the song and gave her daddy a few spontaneous kisses.

But it was when Matt's turn came back around that she fell into a full-on ecstatic swoon of toddler joy. During "Against All Odds," she stood in front of him dancing, huge smile upon her face. She kept flinging her arms around him for hugs all through "Someday." And when he sang "You're the One That I Want," holy cow, you'd think he'd turned into John Travolta and she was the head of Scientology. She glowed with baby love, recklessly hurling herself at him and showering him with kisses.

So now that the truth about my child is known to God and the Internet, I guess my only course of action is to make sure that she's the kind of groupie who gets lots of alimony and writes white-hot tell-all novels, and not the kind who sneaks out at fifteen, puts on too much make-up, and gets knocked up by the bassist.

I mean, we all want the best for our children, don't we?

My kitchen is: Um. You know, I'm... I'm not sure. I haven't visited in a while.

Posted by andrea at November 27, 2004 10:53 PM

You Go Girl

Posted by: Uncle Rick on November 30, 2004 02:00 PM
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