December 02, 2004

Thanksgiving Oh-Four

I know I'm a little late on the Thanksgiving, but late is better than never, right? Anyway, I have two big things on my thankful list this year I thought I'd particularly share.

The first one is this: we have a kind of family medical situation going on right now. As is the way of these things, this scare has led me to evaluate how much I admire and try to emulate this person in my everyday life. We think everyone will be OK, but I still wanted to put in the shout out. Love and kisses from us to you, you know who you are, and I'm really glad to have you around.

The second one is less anonymous, and way more upbeat. I am thankful for my new sister-in-law, SUE! SUE I LOVE YOU! For all of you who do not know her, Sue is awesome. She is funny and nice and also not in any way psychotic, a trait I have found desirable in my family members. I have these weird daydreamy fantasies about being the kind of sisters-in-law that, like, talk on the phone all the time and trade recipes and cuttings from plants, and, like, other, um, stuff like that.

This is very likely due to the shocking lack of sisters in my life, and although I have an informal sisterly relationship going with Michelle, well, some people actually have, like, multiple REAL sisters, right? So I can have a couple of pretend ones?

Anyway, it's all a dream world, because I don't actually talk to people on the phone and I kill all houseplants that are not African violets. Also Sue lives FAR AWAY. And also she has probably been scared off by my creepy Internet enthusiasm.

I am, of course, continuing my thankfulness for the friends and family, for everyone I love and who love me, for having food to eat and a place to live, for better living through chemistry, better living through TCP/IP, and just generally for being one of the most privileged people in one of the most privileged societies in all of human history. I'm living a good life, and I hope I can do something to deserve it all someday.

My kitchen is: overplanted. I went on a houseplant-purchasing rampage a few weeks back, and need to find better places to keep some than on my kitchen counters.

Posted by andrea at December 2, 2004 09:25 PM

I am not creeped out. I, too, kill plants, I READ recipes(but that's about all), and would love to talk on the phone but you changed your number to a system that creeps me out.

I am touched that you think of me that way, I have never had a sister and I am looking forward to many future private joke stuff, and, um, real stuff too.

Posted by: Non-Anonymous Sue on December 2, 2004 09:44 PM

Hrm. If you go on a houseplant-purchasing rampage, knowing that you're going to kill any houseplants that are not African violets, isn't that some form of homicide? YOU SADISTIC MURDERER!

Oh, and I love African violets so much. I have 2 that I've had for 3 years, and I've got 1 that's old too, and is a split from one of Cassy's HUGE violets. It's awesome.

Just wanted to contribute. For some reason :)

Posted by: Nick on December 2, 2004 10:31 PM

Hey! You don't talk to me on the phone OR send me pieces of plants! Or even recipes lately!!@#$#% Get on the ball, girl! Miss you. :)

Posted by: michelle on December 2, 2004 11:12 PM
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