Thu, 29 May 2003, 22:12:24 UTC-08:00

The sky is falling!

My helmet saved me from a different kind of injury today. I was riding along next to a park when all of a sudden something smacked into my helmet from directly above. It scared the H-E-double-hockey-sticks out of me and rattled my head a little. I instantly noticed a baseball flying away from me into the brushes. It was probably a pop-fly since it had to have gotten past the fence and bleachers that seperated the road from the field. Several kids ran up to me as I skidded to a stop and apologised. Parents wanted to know if I was okay. I told them all I was fine and the kids went scurrying off to search for the ball. Aside from having things thrown at us by rednecks in lifted pickups or pidgeons who think we're a challenging moving target, I wonder what other things cyclists have had fallen on them while riding. Maybe if I ask around, someone will eventually relate a story about a meteorite.

Posted by khuon on Thu, 29 May 2003, 22:12:24 UTC-08:00
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