Sat, 10 May 2003, 15:32:32 UTC-08:00

Clusterbombed by unsecured load

On my ride today, I was passed by one of those construction trucks with a bunch of unsecured stuff in the bed. You know the type... usually there's a bunch of buckets and tools haphazardly thrown in the back. This one even had its liftgate down. Just after passing me, it hit a deep pothole. A whole toolchest flew off the back and came crashing down on the road spilling all sorts of tools and asundries all over. There were hammers, screwdrivers, SCREWS!, NAILS!, tape measures, etc... right in my path. I was doing about 22MPH and barely managed to swerve out of the way of the debris field. After clearing the hazard area, I tried to wave and yell at the driver to come back and pick up his stuff but he kept on going oblivious to the fact that he left behind probably a hundred dollars worth of tools on the road. It's too bad I was just into my ride and didn't want to carry around the tools otherwise I would have made off with some of it. Instead, I picked up as much as I could, rode to the nearest police station (1/2 mile), and handed it to the officer manning the desk. He asked me for the plate number but I was unable to catch it in time. I just gave the officer a description of the truck instead.

Posted by khuon on Sat, 10 May 2003, 15:32:32 UTC-08:00
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