Tue, 06 May 2003, 18:49:59 UTC-08:00

The reign of the Dread Pirate Jakey is over

Well after three and a half days of walking around with a makeshift eyepatch (I cut up one of those airline sleep-masks you get on int'l flights) and my cycling sunglasses and generally looking like some weird extreme-sports sea-pirate, my eye suddenly got better. This morning it was still bothering me but by noon, I could hardly feel it and it's no longer light-sensitive. It's kinda weird also in that I had scratched it on Friday night but it was fine all Saturday until the sun started setting. Then all of a sudden it started hurting and stayed that way until earlier today when it almost as quickly went away.

Posted by khuon on Tue, 06 May 2003, 18:49:59 UTC-08:00
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